Muse ChanPhotography Education
Portrait Photography Course
Muse Chan 人像攝影網上課程
這是Muse 的首個網上人像攝影課程,在這裡,他將會把二十年人像拍攝經驗和心得跟大家分享,包括他的思維哲理、他對光線的解讀方法以及應用。
This is Muse's first online portrait photography course. Here, he will share his 20 years of portrait shooting experience and techniques to you, including his philosophy, his interpretation and using of light.
This is Muse's first online portrait photography course. Here, he will share his 20 years of portrait shooting experience and techniques to you, including his philosophy, his interpretation and using of light.
Fundamentals of
Portrait Photography Course 人像攝影基礎課程
最新課程 New Course
18 Videos / 5 session
Time : 6 hours
Level : Beginner - Intermediate
Subtitles : 中文字幕 / English
Write your awesome label here.
Capture One 1小時修圖入門基礎教學 ( Free )
最新課程 New Course
1 Video
Time : 1 hour
Level : Beginner
Subtitles :
Write your awesome label here.
Hong Kong
portrait Photographer
Inspiration 靈感啟動
Whether you are an amateur or a senior photographer, you will definitely get some inspiration here
千里之行 。始於足下
Muse 將會在這個網上課程中分享他過去20年人像攝影創作的經驗和想法。課程內容包括基礎攝影知識,佈光及採光概念,技巧以及攝影師的思維都會逐一跟大家分享。
Muse will share his experience and themes of portrait photography creation over the past 20 years in this online course. The course content includes basic knowledge, lighting and picking concepts, as well as the cultivated thinking light chase to share with everyone.
Muse will share his experience and themes of portrait photography creation over the past 20 years in this online course. The course content includes basic knowledge, lighting and picking concepts, as well as the cultivated thinking light chase to share with everyone.
Take your photography
to the next level
It's easier than you think
what you want to learn
千里之行 。 始於足下
A journey of a thousand miles.
Start with one step
1. Fundamentals
The digital optical photography model has been developed for many years, and the technology is changing with each passing day. What attitude should we take to begin to understand photography.
The digital optical photography model has been developed for many years, and the technology is changing with each passing day. What attitude should we take to begin to understand photography.
2. Intermediate
When you have gone through a period of shooting, you start to feel that you have entered the bottleneck position, which may be due to technical issues, light interpretation issues, or aesthetic issues.
When you have gone through a period of shooting, you start to feel that you have entered the bottleneck position, which may be due to technical issues, light interpretation issues, or aesthetic issues.
3. Creativity
Photography can be recorded or created. Different types of portrait photographers are inspired by different places.
Photography can be recorded or created. Different types of portrait photographers are inspired by different places.
Find and express a unique personality.