Lesson series
Fundamentals of Portrait Photography
Muse Chan Fundamentals of Portrait Photography
** Registration and payment
1 : 網上以信用卡付款(可於網上直接報名購買)
Online payment by credit card (you can register and purchase directly online)
2 : 以Payme, FPS 或銀行過戶( 可透過What's App 聯絡 )
What's App 報名購買 : +852-9361-3891
- *此課程將可在12個月內無限次收看學習
*This course will be available for unlimited viewing and learning within 12 months - *此課程贈送Muse 首本著作The Paths of Light 精華版電子書一本
*This course is a gift of Muse’s first book, The Paths of Light, an e-book of the essence version
** Registration and payment
1 : 網上以信用卡付款(可於網上直接報名購買)
Online payment by credit card (you can register and purchase directly online)
2 : 以Payme, FPS 或銀行過戶( 可透過What's App 聯絡 )
What's App 報名購買 : +852-9361-3891
16 Videos
5 hours in total
5 hours in total
5 Sessions
Beginning - Intermediate
Course Lessons
Meet the instructor
Muse Chan
Muse Chan - Portrait Photographer
Muse Chan graduated from First Institute of Art & Design. He has been appointed as executive creative director and has been in this field for over 15 years. “MUSE MUSE”, Muse Chan’s workshop, was founded and established in 2003 and specialised in wedding and portrait photography. Throughout the years, he has also established his personal creative projects. Muse Chan is well-known for his unique ways of lighting and style, and this attracted many amongst the community. Muse Chan founded MIWI "Muse Inspirational Workshop International" in 2009, making his impact in photography internationally. He has visited over 20 countries for the last 10 years for his workshops, including United States, Italy, Singapore, Turkey, Iceland, Morocco, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia..etc, making Muse internationally recognised by students across the world.
Muse Chan 畢業於香港大一設計學院,曾任職多媒體設計總監, 從事美術設計行業超過15年。於2006年成立自己的婚紗及人像攝影工作室”MUSE MUSE” 並開始更多的個人創作。擅長以光、影、色彩來展現出富有神秘感的唯美人像作品,他獨特的燈法與攝影風格開始引起業界的注意,2009年成立MIWI Muse Inspiration Workshop International 影響力更誇越國際,他過去十年曾到訪超過二十個國家地區進行人像攝影教學工作坊,包括美國,意大利、新加坡、土耳其、冰島、摩洛哥、馬來西亞、中國、台灣、韓國和印尼等等國家,學生遍佈全球。
Muse Chan 畢業於香港大一設計學院,曾任職多媒體設計總監, 從事美術設計行業超過15年。於2006年成立自己的婚紗及人像攝影工作室”MUSE MUSE” 並開始更多的個人創作。擅長以光、影、色彩來展現出富有神秘感的唯美人像作品,他獨特的燈法與攝影風格開始引起業界的注意,2009年成立MIWI Muse Inspiration Workshop International 影響力更誇越國際,他過去十年曾到訪超過二十個國家地區進行人像攝影教學工作坊,包括美國,意大利、新加坡、土耳其、冰島、摩洛哥、馬來西亞、中國、台灣、韓國和印尼等等國家,學生遍佈全球。